Pleural effusion drainage

Geyser is designed with the aim to revolutionize the pleural effusion drainage process and make the procedure as efficient and smooth as possible.

With simplicity and convenience in focus, Geyser enables the drainage process to take place in homecare settings which contributes to improved life quality for people in need of long-term regular drainage. Safety and simplicity in the comfort of home.

Simple, smooth
and safe

The Geyser palliative strategy is to promote daily drainage, leading to improved physical activity and as a result less hospitalization. Daily drainage compared with alternative day drainage has been concluded to significantly increase the rate of autopleurodesis (47% versus 24%).

Suction starts with slow and soft pulses that gradually increase in strength and frequency which makes the Geyser drainage procedure smooth, yet efficient. No vacuum used also means no failure of the vacuum and no painful high pressures, hence a safer procedure for the patient.

Geyser runs a pre-programmed 4-minute cycle designed to drain 250 ml of fluid (a maximum of 750 ml per procedure). The cycle can safely be interrupted whenever needed if no more fluid drains through the catheter and ease of breath has returned to normal.


Disposable bag

Only one type of disposable unit is needed for different drainage procedures and volume up to 750 ml per procedure

  • Easy emptying via tap valve before discard

  • The disposable unit can also be used for gravity mode > as it is provided with a non-return-valve

  • Compact design gives an optimal logistic and storage capacity


Benefits for healthcare professionals

  • The simple and smooth drainage process reduces the need for hospital visits as the procedure can take place in the comfort of the patient’s home.

  • Pre-programmed cycles and smooth operation require less supervision from healthcare professionals.

  • The 4-minute pulsatile drainage cycle provides safety and gives total control of the process.

  • Smooth and easy setup with total suction control at a lower cost.

